Rekindling 2021
- to be
Before everything to us, there was just being. A simple sensory state of floating emotions. This project aims to revisit and perhaps reconnect to this basic floating dreamlike state of being, void of particular meaning or knowing. Opposing the current, digitalised and fractionated times that we live in.
Tossing with concepts of material/immaterial art-experience to explore the connective/rekindling abilities. The idea is not so much about the works visual appearance, as very little is visible, at least from a little distance. It is more about the materiality, the tactile and sensory properties of the work. The public is asked not to view, but to touch the surface, so as to activate the public in their experience of the artwork.
"A simple sensory state of floating emotions. This project, meant to be touched, aims to revisit and perhaps reconnect to this basic fl oating dreamlike state of being, void of particular meaning or knowing. Opposing the current, digitalized and fractionated times that we live in."